2025 Wyoming Game & Fish Commissioner License

Auction Details

Ready to harvest your Trophy Elk, Deer or Antelope?

Grab your binos, camo and rifle and get ready for your Wyoming Hunt of a Lifetime!

Here is your chance to bid on a Wyoming Commissioner License for the 2025 hunting season! This exclusive license unlocks an epic opportunity to harvest a trophy Wyoming deer, elk, or pronghorn during the 2025 hunting season.There are only a limited number of these premier tags available! No more waiting to draw – this is your opportunity to pick your species and pick your hunt area with this very exclusive license!

Besides being able to plan your dream Wyoming trophy hunt, the proceeds will be helping the Thermopolis FFA (Future Farmers of America) Alumni with our goal of offering college scholarships to graduating high school seniors and continuing education scholarships to students beyond their first year of college or technical school. We also help fund trips for the students to attend State and National FFA Conventions, summer leadership camp, plus other trips and activities that the school does not fund in part or in whole. The Thermopolis FFA Alumni is a non-profit organization based in Thermopolis, Wyoming.

A dream adventure for you while supporting local youth chasing their dreams!

Happy Bidding! Thank you for your support!

The 2025 License will be valid for one specific species (antelope, deer or elk) and for one specific region or hunt area to be designated by the successful bidder. Holders of complimentary licenses are exempt from the provision of Wyoming State Law limiting the number of licenses an individual can possess in any one calendar year. Please note that complimentary elk licenses are not valid for elk hunt areas 75, 77 and 79 which are located within Grand Teton National Park.
The winner will be responsible for all other applicable WY Game & Fish license fees, refer to the WY G&F website for hunting fee schedule. Please read all relevant disclosures and know that you are responsible for all conditions of use stated in Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, Chapter 44. Please see the ‘Terms’ tab for instructions on how you will redeem the tag if you are the winning bidder. All sales are final and winner’s credit card on file will be charged the full amount for the successful bid.

Huge Thank you to Commissioner Ashlee Lundvall for the donation!

If you need assistance or have technical issues, please call onlinehuntingauctions.com at 1-866-313-0123.
# Rows102050100
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2025 Wyoming Game & Fish Commissioner License1 - 2025 Wyoming Game & Fish Commissioner License
Thermopolis FFA Alumni
Ready to harvest your Trophy Elk, Deer or Antelope? Grab your binos, camo and rifle and get ready for your Wyoming Hunt of a Lifetime!
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 30,000.00 - 50,000.00
Sold to lumpsum21 for (36,500.00 + 2,920.00BP) = 39,420.00
# Rows102050100