Coyote Craze College (includes Rifle!)

Currency:USD Category:Hunting Start Price:0.00 USD Estimated At:NA
Coyote Craze College (includes Rifle!)
Online auction bid winners who are not registered to attend the Las Vegas SCI Banquet event in person will be charged 5% buyer’s premium.

We want hunters and outfitters to have a positive experience.
Expectations of hunters:
1) Bring another hunter and extend the hunt if feasible.
2) Hunt from the outfitter's price list after harvesting donated trophies if additional game are
available and tip generously.
Donations may not be combined on one trip unless outfitters agree prior to auction.
Coyote Craze College (includes Rifle!)

“Coyote Craze College” adventure, a comprehensive classroom multimedia course day and then 2 days in the field with aprx 30 "stands” with one-on-one guidance from Geoff Nemnich, arguably the best coyote caller in the USA where you will learn the secrets of this growing and exciting hunting pastime.
This auction also includes a new Ruger American Rifle with MOA accuracy in 204 Ruger 11 round capacity, toped a Vortex II 4-12 x 44 with dead hold BDC, and 3 Boxes of Hornady Varmint designed 32g v-max ammo, including a hard case.

Travel to Scottsbluff, Nebraska for this unique 3-day hunting/learning adventure where you will be "one on one" with one of the best coyote hunters on the planet, Geoff Nemnich, 2-time World Champion & National Champion.
Today Geoff is regarded by most in the industry as a leading expert on modern coyote hunting tactics.
Geoff is the co-host of the popular YouTube series called "The Last Stand" and hosts the #1 predator hunting podcast called "Eastmans' Predator Pros".
Geoff will not just show you the "hows" to calling elusive coyotes but will teach you in-depth as to the "whys" behind each technique.
There is nothing like this adventure, and the real value is hunting knowledge/skill which is priceless.
With hunting tags becoming rarer and rarer each year wouldn't it be nice to have one hunting experience that gets you outdoors with your friends and family whenever you want, one that directly supports your favorite deer/antelope/small game (pets) populations, one that comes with no onerous season's, no drawings, no bag limits, no hour's or weapon restrictions, no permits or no licenses in most states, just get outdoors and go hunting.

Students learn in 3 days what normally takes decades if ever, to develop and learn by trial-and-error.
This is the first time this unique hunting experience has been offered at any auction, so don’t miss it.
These classes are usually reserved for Coyote Craze members, however, Geoff has graciously offered SCI Las Vegas Chapter a guaranteed spot for his January/Feb 2025 dates (exact date TBD in advance by Outfitter in august 2025).

Class sizes will be strictly limited to 3 individuals ensuring plenty of one-on-one instruction with the champ, which will make the 2nd & 3rd days out in the field applying the training that much more enjoyable.
As a new or veteran coyote hunter, this is your chance to win the privilege to have a "master class" from a superstar of the sport, learn tricks of the trade while enjoying a comprehensive classroom multimedia training session at the only predator hunting instructional school in the country, Coyote Craze College. This course is designed to give you a solid core of coyote calling expertise that can be applied in whatever part of the country you call home.
Geoff has over 25 years of calling experience, and his knowledge, gracious personality, pure enthusiasm for the hunt, and his simple approach to calling coyotes will have you leaving the class educated with proven techniques, and a greater understanding of the calling process and coyote behavior. Whether you call coyotes in the East or the West, Geoff will deliver to you the skills you need to be successful!

Geoff will discuss and go over in detail the following topics:
*The 4 P's to the calling process (place, positioning, practice, patience)
*Evaluating the ever-changing variables while out coyote hunting
*Where to find coyotes
*Using math and probabilities to make the best educated guesses
*Understanding the Coyote Bubble
*What motivates coyotes
*Guns and ammo for coyotes
*Calling accessories
*Different calls and preferred sounds/ Sound sequences
*Evaluating the 3 sound categories and when to use each
*Finding and scouting places to hunt both private and public/Maps
*Strategies for talking with Landowners for permission


The first day will be spent in a fun multimedia classroom environment learning the meat-and-potatoes with plenty of time for questions-and-answers.
Geoff will dive deep into every aspect of the coyote behavior and calling process which will have you looking at things from a totally new perspective.
The classroom day will end with a trip to the rifle range to put a few rounds down-range to verify zero and discuss some shooting practice techniques specifically for shooting coyotes.
The second and third days will consist of full days out in the field calling and making stands (lunches/drinks/snacks provided).

During your time in the field, you'll make approximately 30 professional stands, learn how to look at an area and determine where the best place to set up is, determine the best route into your stand, listen to live coyote sound sequences, experience stands using an e-caller and remote, and hopefully get to watch coyotes respond to the call!
These days afield with hands-on application training is where you will really develop a good sense of the coyote calling process and get to see and apply everything you learned during your first training day.
Keep in mind you will be hunting on massive private ranches that Geoff leases.

This class is designed with the beginner in mind but is sure to enhance the ability of any level of coyote caller.
New or old, there is plenty to be shared with all coyote hunting enthusiasts!

ADVENTURE DETAILS: The class to take place in January/Feb 2026 with exact dates to be scheduled by August 2025 with Mr Nemnich. The classes are held in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.

INCLUDED: Tuition for the 3 day Coyote Craze College experience, lunch and snacks on days 2 and 3, transportation for live hunting days (day 2 and day 3), access to private ranches.

NOT INCLUDED: Travel, Hotel Accommodation, and most Food and drinks. Hotels in town are Fairfield Inn Suites, Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn, and Quality Inn and run aprx $90-$130 per night.

GETTING TO SCOTTSBLUFF, NEBRASKA: If flying, the best way is through DENVER INTERNATIONAL. United Airlines has 2 direct flights each day into Scottsbluff from Denver, which cost aprx. $140-175 RT. There are Enterprise and Hertz in Western Nebraska- Scottsbluff Regional Airport. Otherwise the driving time is 3.5hrs from Denver by car.

VARMINT RIFLE RIG VALUE $1,000.00: THIS AUCTION INCLUDES ONE Ruger American Rifle with MOA accuracy in 204 Ruger 11 round capacity, toped a Vortex II 4-12 x 44 with dead hold BDC, and 3 Boxes of Hornady Varmint designed 32g v-max ammo , Hard Case, the perfect setup for the ultimate coyote hunting rig!
(Any shipping costs will be at winner’s cost.)