Discounted Great Horseback Cow Elk Hunt in Wyoming, 4000 elk in the area is not uncommon

Currency:USD Category:Hunting / Hunts - Elk Start Price:1,000.00 USD Estimated At:2,000.00 - 2,500.00 USD
Colorado Has extremely complex license application rules and laws. Because of that and that I have gotten licenses her for the past 50 years we will apply for the license for you if you wish. We don't charge the $50-$100 for this service like others, we provide it at no charge with every hunt booked to again confirm that your hunt is a very enjoyable hunt. The incorrect license can be a very bad day. We want to send you home after you hunt with a elk and good memories from your hunt.
Hunt ID:9011-WY-G-M-1495-75-CELK-CKSO2NJA-GNT-ALP1HR-Horseback Cow Elk High Success Rate
These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you only pay 50% of the winning price via credit card.
The balance of the hunt(The other 50%) isn't due until 45 days prior to your hunt. In most of my auctions as long as
you pay the deposit we can move the hunt to 2018, 2019, or even 2020 if needed.
Of course if someone dies during this span of time or the outfitter out of business
or any other unforeseen circumstances we will work with options with you.
Booked for the fall of 2017, taking deposits for 2018 and 2019.
NOTE: To get the best areas you must apply for a reduced-price cow elk license in January. To be able to hunt a larger area you must put in for the January draw. You will be putting in for unit 75 the Hunting area in the Teton National Park for Cow elk population Management. It is the area where many of the elk coming into the main area stage up before entering. This license allows you access into the main area as well. Many of these elk are migrating in from Yellowstone national Park. These licenses sell out in the draw leaving only unit 6 and 7 licenses available.

This hunt has been a 100% success when the weather cooperates. Normal weather has snow in the basin where you are hunting, meaning there is even more snow in the mountains above which pushes the elk down to the valley floor to feed.
Cow elk hunting how you always wished it would be is here today for a limited number of hunters for the first 2 weeks in December for the most part. The Highly discounted hunts and great deals are sent to the “Preferred Hunters” first before they even make the web site. Because of this many times the Preferred Hunters buy them out and they never make the web site. It receives the landowner vouchers as soon as they come in also.

If you would like to be on the “Preferred Hunters List” please contact me by EMAIL: DeerElkBear@GMail.com or 303-776-7528. I put you on the Preferred Hunters List. The real magic in elk hunting and who takes elk home every year is hidden behind the word “elk Density.” People that hunt high density elk areas consistently bring home the bacon. People that don’t have a nice walk behind them with their gun slung over their shoulder but see no elk come on over to the other side of success... If they ever realized if they signed up for the army they could do the same walking around with their rifle over their shoulder and get paid for it.

(This hunt traditionally has an extremely high elk density and an extremely high Success rate for a free ranging elk hunt.
If you have ever wondered how the elk population is controlled and thought regular season hunting, archery, muzzleloader and rifle there are things that the people that manage our elk herds do that are a low key affair but done regardless so that disease doesn’t run ramped and habitat is not damaged beyond existence.

A biologist once told me that people think 25 elk together is a beautiful sight and enjoyed by all, but 26 or more is a damaging menace wherever they travel. Elk have very, very few enemies except man. Once they reach 1 year of age the natural enemies by count even get smaller. Mountain lions would rather take on a deer because the risk of an injury that later causes death are smaller with a deer than an elk. In addition with the elk’s thick neck hair it makes it more difficult for the lion to pinch off the wind pipe or jugular vein. The bulk of the population of people in areas with large elk herds takes the stand that if you leave them alone they will be ok. Winter kill on an elk herd is a minor issue because an elk will go wherever it needs to find food. Burying their head in the sand is not the right answer as an Ostrich knows.
Herds of 3,000, 4,000 head of elk build up in the late fall to winter in areas that are controlled by the park system. The park system is required to not only protect the elk but also the habitat. Elk of this magnitude can be destructive to the habitat with just its travel, let alone what they eat while they are there and traveling. That part is not our problem, we are just the tool used to keep these animals in check so that the tourists can see them in the fall, and not see us controlling the herd number is the fall and winter months. Since this is a population control measure this particular hunt is for cows only.

First of all, the outfitter of record is registered by the federal park system to be allowed to bring hunters on the federal park system ground and shoot, yes shoot the number of elk that the federal park system management folks biologists deem required to keep the herd numbers in check. All hunting and shooting is done in controlled environment muck like regular cow elk hunting would be but with some additional rules. The outfitter must be with you at all times, there are no vehicles allowed off the maintained roads when touring, hunting and even retrieving the elk. Some areas are restricted to archery only, short range weapons being a muzzleloader or shotgun, and regular rifle areas. This area is marked lightly with common posts hundreds of yards apart and showing no distinction to any other post. Because the question would be, “what are those blaze orange post for?” this is what the tour guides and the federal park system doesn’t want to be asked, so it is extremely easy to get on the wrong side of the invisible line and see the other side of the federal park system and the state and the sheriff are on the property. The skimpy post markers are the boundary between hunting and shooting one weapon or the other and areas that you are not allowed to walk with or without a weapon. This sound like walking through a mine field, that is one of the reason for having this be a guided hunt. The outfitter/Guide knows the rules and will advise you what to do. He also has horses which many hunters have never used before.

Of course, all of the Wyoming hunting regulations stand, 1 blazed orange garment, and you must have a cow elk license of course. Then there are some unique rules like if you have a Wyoming cow elk license from anywhere in Wyoming for this year it can be used during this hunt, if you didn’t fill it already, If you buy one for the adjacent unit you can hut inside and outside the park. Then again if you wish you can buy a Wyoming cow elk license over the counter and use it also, up to 2 cow elk can fit well in the back of your pickup. In some areas you need to put in for a 4 day span to hunt elk, but with the outfitters season duration permit, you are with him, and don’t even need to take the risk of not drawing the permit and being able to use your elk licenses and after you spent a day on the road to get there. Let me throw another rule at you that can allow the federal park system to write a ticket. You can only have 7 bullets on your person for every cow license that you have. If you shoot all 7 and don’t have an elk, you can go back to the truck and get 7 more. Also if you shoot and hit or miss you can only shoot 1 shot while the elk is moving.

If all of this sounds confusing, I must say I have hunted elk for over 50 years and find this the most successful but also the most confusing of any elk hunting I have ever done. Depending on the weather you may see small herds or you may see thousands of elk, and where you hunt them and the weapon you use if you can hunt them at all in the area they are in spells out you will be close to the outfitter. He knows the rules and the boundaries. You will be out of any problems as long as you are hunting with him that is what he is licensed to outfit the park hunts.

Depending on the area that the elk are in during the time of the year you are there you will find the elk easier to get to with the horses that they provide you. If it is easier to fill you tag the horses will stay in the trailer all saddled up ready if you need them. Most of the area is easy riding but remember these are wild free ranging elk; this is not, “just a walk in the park.” Pardon the pun. Some days it is much easier than others but like any elk hunts some days the elk win and some days you win that is what it is a 3 day hunt, so you have your day. The outfitter and guide will take as many as 5 hunters per day, all meeting at a prearranged location, you driving from you motel of choice in the area and them arriving with horse trailers in tow.
Any weapon that is legal in Wyoming is legal on this federal park system land. Archery includes a crossbow. The “short range weapon area” is for using a Muzzleloader or a shotgun with or without a rifled barrel. No scopes on either weapon. The unlimited or what they call regular rifle areas is the largest and allows any rifle short of a 50 Caliber modern day rifle. In the rifle area there are areas that provide short range shooting and areas that require long range shots. The outfitter motto is where ever the elk are at that time sets the requirement for whatever it takes. Because of the long range shooting possibilities I would place a 7mm Mag 150 grain or a 270 with a 140 grain bullet the bare minimum. Your rifle of choice should be topped with at least a 3x9 scope but a 4-12 or 16 even better. The area where the long rang shots the elk feel safe enough that they will stand out there and just out walk the hunters. It is a great place to fill your tag but you must be prepared. I am one that says in almost all hunting dead on at 200 years is perfect combination but in this case I would recommend dead on at 300 yards, and practice shooting it so you know that your rifle does at 300 and the drop at 400. Many of the areas have an abundance of grass about 12-14 inches so it is best to plan to shoot off a backpack, shooting sticks or bipods. I have 3 dowel rods that are about 3 feet long and wrapped tight at the top with bicycle inner tube. Much like what you use to shoot in Africa but their sticks are 6 feel so you can shoot standing up. For long range shooting the lower you can get to the ground the steadier you are. At ranges over 200 this gets real important, I usually sit flat on my butt, wrap my forearm hand around the top of the tripods while holding the forearm and making it all to come together as one.

Later in the season as in December there is usually snow and colder temperatures to deal with then the November hunts, but the elk populations also increase the colder and snowier it is. They usually bed in cover and come to the park areas for the grass in the evening and stay in the fields all night then leave sometime in the morning depending on the pressure from shooting. The season usually runs from November 1 to December 15th or so, it is set each year by the federal Government. They are 3 day hunts and so far they have been a 100% success for harvest. Opportunity or seeing elk is not even calculated because the numbers are so high, that is why you are there.
The 3-day guided hunt is only $2400 reduced down to only $ 1495 for a single and $1395 if 2 or more hunters are in the party. This is for 1 cow elk, but if you want two and have the licenses to do so the second elk is only $ 250 more. Also with 2 licenses in your pocket you can have 14 instead of 7 bullets on your person. The hunts run Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday or Thursday, Friday, Saturday, with each group arriving the day before their hunt and meeting up with the outfitter that evening to be prepared to hunt the next morning. You will be staying in town, in a motel, no drafty tent and chuck wagon meals by a camp fire to throw your stomachs into indigestional shock. The towns the outfitter will give you the lodging phone number are large enough to have many lodging and meal options along with room vacancy is good because it is after the high summer season.

The altitude you will be hunting in will be between 6000 and 7000 feet so it is usually quite easy to adjust to for most hunters. It is labeled as a “Low Impact” and is, but in some of the mountain areas if walking it can become a higher impact but most likely if you go back in there you will be on horseback so the walking will be at a minimum. Other than that the hardest part is getting on and off of the horse. If you don’t want to ride advice the outfitter early so he can plan accordingly. Many times they hunt and shoot elk as part of the plan to push them to the other hunters and do very well doing it.

If you don’t ride much… like me 1 hour every 5 years on a trail ride, don’t worry, this is not a riding contest, it is just a way to beat walking.
Meat can be processed locally or taken home to butch locally or personally because usually the weather is cool enough to do so. There is no elk hanging area in the park of course so if it happens to be warm when you are there you will have to plan accordingly.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
12/4, 5, 6
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
12/7, 8, 9

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
12/11, 12, 13
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
12/14, 15, 16

November dates should become available after season dates are set.

For a slightly milder weather hunt, and it being during the Thanksgiving week for those in school we will have a limited number of hunts available from November 25-30, and for December 1-15. We only have a limited number of hunts available. The prior years hunters have the first option to take the hunt again which seems to take about 90% of the hunts. In the past we have been at an unheard-of rate of 98% harvest success by our hunters. I know of no other cow elk that has a going rate of successful harvest as this one. If you are interested then please contact us as soon as possible with a 50% deposit and we will get you on the list if there is still space available. If you wish you can take a second cow with a $400 outfitter hunt fee and a second Wyoming Cow elk license about $ 288.

You will need:
A Access Permit for each Hunter $ 00.00
A Wyoming Sportsman Conservation Stamp $12.50
A Elk Stamp (Only Required in this special Area) $ 12.50
A Cow Elk License for this area Unit 6 Type 6 or Unit 7 Type 7 preferably, $ 288
A Outfitter confirmation letter Proof of hunt payment and details. A Hunt Payment Receipt $ 00.00
A Hunter Survey for after the hunt $ 00.00

(Note: The unique part is that If you have a Wyoming Bull or Cow license for Wyoming during the same year that you hunt, and you didn’t fill it in that area of Wyoming when the season was on in that area then you can use it here to shoot a cow only here.
If this sounds a bit confusing, it can be. We at Discounted Hunts and Vouchers will work with you to see that you are given the materials above to meet the requirements. There can be hunting in the area to the north designated as unit 86 for cows but for now that is closed.

If the Client disagrees with a refund decision of any type or any other decision and uses the Charge Back Process the process is not
valid because the client waves the right to use the process when he contracted for the hunt. We will work directly with the hunter.We will work directly with the hunter and find that works better for everyone involved.Detailed Licensing can be handled by Discounted hunts LLC for you. Just advise if you want to shoot 1 or 2 cow elk. Depending on the hunt date you select and the location the elk are in normally at that time of the year you will be licensed accordingly.
If the Client disagrees with a refund decision of any type or any other decision and uses the Charge Back Process the process is not
valid because the client waves the right to use the process when he contracted for the hunt. We will work directly with the hunter.
Greg Merriam
Senior Hunt Locator & Hunt Planner
Master Hunt Broker
Master Land Owner Voucher Broker
Discounted Hunts LLC
Outdoor Writers LLC
Pro-Staff Dead Down Wind Scent Products
Pro-Staff Benchmaster Shooting Accuracy Products
1204 Button Rock Drive
Longmont, Co 80504
303-776-7528 Voice
303-746-1214 Cell Phone
An American Company and Proud of it

Email: DeerElkBear@Gmail.com
Web Page: http://www.discountedhunts.net