2,000.00USDby mtnbilly
This item WAS NOT SOLD. Auction date was 2018 Jan 14 @ 18:00UTC-08:00 : PST/AKDT
Colorado Has extremely complex license application rules and laws. Because of that and that I have gotten licenses her for the past 50 years we will apply for the license for you if you wish. We don't charge the $50-$100 for this service like others, we provide it at no charge with every hunt booked to again confirm that your hunt is a very enjoyable hunt. The incorrect license can be a very bad day. We want to send you home after you hunt with a elk and good memories from your hunt.
Hunt ID:5061-CO-S-M-2000-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-A3IGCR-B1OG-YG3AR-20000 acres
These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you only pay 50% of the winning price via credit card. The balance of the hunt(The other 50%) isn't due until 45 days prior to your hunt. In most of my auctions as long as you pay the deposit we can move the hunt to 2018, 2019, or even 2020 if needed.
Of course if someone dies during this span of time or the outfitter out of business or any other unforeseen circumstances we will work with options with you.
Welcome to the center of the world, the place where east meets west, the plains meet the mountains, the elk and the deer meet the antelope. From here you can drive to any place in the United States or even fly there. You are not only in the place where you hunt in the highest elk density in the world but you are in the legendary elk capitol of the United States, the famous Craig Colorado. From this town of 10,000 people draw an imaginary 100 mile circle and you will not find anywhere that a circle of this size can encompass so many elk. The NW corner of the state is home to over half of the states 455,000 elk. If you come to Craig to see people you may as well stay home.
If you came here to see elk don’t waste another minute come see where the elk are made and the highest elk density in the world wraps around you like the glamor of nature at its finest. Colorado is home to the largest elk population in the world and within this big game hunting mecca, Moffat County boasts to two of the largest migratory elk herds in North America and is also a hunting hot spot for deer, antelope and small game. With over 20,000 acres to hunt on 7 different ranches you will be swimming in prime private land and enjoying the success it provides.
That is important to an elk hunter but there continues to be more as Craig unfolds to welcome you in to the hunt of your life. Craig is a bustling town with an extremely strong pro guns attitude that is as strong as its pro-hunting attitude that is extremely refreshing in today’s world. Friendly town it is, don’t hesitate to say high when you meet someone on the street, they will certainly say hi back. The area is known for its record class Mule deer and not to be slighted the pronghorn Antelope that thrive here have the very rare genes to be able to put the sportsman that kills one in the Boone and Crockett or Pope and Young record book, not to mention SCI’s book also.
Cow elk hunt $ 1995 reduced to only $1495. You must have at least 1 bull hunter per cow hunter to qualify. This in turn will add to the quality level and the success of the hunt because the elk and deer populations in this are or one of the fasted growth areas in the state. I always recommend to have one hunter in the group to have a cow license because you will see more cows than bulls.
4 Day Archery Elk …………..……$ 2500 Reduced Down to only..……( 4 on 1 guiding)………….….$ 1595
4 Day Archery Deer………..……$ 2500 Reduced Down to only..……( 4 on 1 guiding)………….….$ 1595
This hunt is conducted on 20,000 acres of private land, so the over the counter archery license is valid for this hunt. Note many people are confused by this clause because it is unique to only about 5 units in the state. Hunting public land requires an application for a license in March and having 1 point to draw successfully.
2 Day Antelope Any Weapon $ 1600 Reduced Down to only…..( 3 on 1 Semi-guided)......…..$ 995
2nd and 3rd Seasons Below
4 Day Deer (1st 1/2 of Season) $ 2600 Reduced Down to only..……( 2 on 1 guiding)…………...$ 1995
4 Day Deer (Last 1/2 of Season) $ 2600 Reduced Down to only..……( 2 on 1 guiding)…….…...$ 1995
4th Season 5 day duration because these seasons are 5 days long not 9 days like 2nd and 3rd seasons
*Add $ 1000 for 1 on 1 guiding in the hunts above
If the outfitter deems it is more successful to hunt a 3 or 4, 5 or even 6 hunters on 1 guide to surround the herds so they don’t have an exit route where they can get out with out being show the outfitter will do so. In this way he can take advantage of the 20,000 acres.
This hunt uses more team work and hunt coordination to make each hunter in the group successful. The guide will coordinate the hunt and the locations of each hunter to post in an area or walk through an area to provide shots from the elk moving away from the hunters and to those posted in specific areas. This works well if some enjoy walking where others are better at staying in a location they have been placed to receive the pushed elk. There is 1 very important rule here and it is that the hunters must follow the guide’s direction. To be effective as a guide and successful as a hunter the guide must be able to have the cooperation of all members. In all situations some hunter will get shots while others don’t. That is the nature of the hunt but in multiple days all should be able to see elk and weather they tag out or not depends on their shooting skill. The guide has year and year of elk hunting in general and years on this property. He knows not only the ground but the way the elk usually move through the draws and gullies when in the migration corridor or fleeing from danger. This skill and knowledge is essential to continue to have the high success that this special hunt provides. There will only be 1 of these hunts for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th rifle seasons. The hunt is discounted to even make this hunt lower in price.
Without this cooperation the guide has the option to cancel the hunt.
2nd animal hunts as adding a buck deer or a cow elk to an existing bull elk hunt is $1500 reduced
down to only $795 this year.
To be successful here you will want to be with a local outfitter, someone that was born and raised here living among these great animals and hunting them at a young age. Then becoming so proficient received his outfitting license early on and has many years of outfitting and guiding to show and build his skill and animal knowledge.
This is your outfitter, a man that has probably seen more elk drop at a shot then most of us have ever seen anywhere at any time. His properties are vast and lay game full in in units GMU003, GMU301, GMU004 and GMU441. Colorado has some of the most complex license application in the nation, rules like this make up that complexity.
Early seasons, September finds the elk in the high country for rut in GMU004 and GMU441 but this outfitter is very oriented to success and since his acreage only has local elk and no migrants at that time he chooses to not hunt the September seasons. They will be dodging arrows and muzzleloader bullets during September as they hear the cow call of many new ladies and the bugles of bulls that have never been heard in these parts as the archers and muzzleloader
When mid-August rolls out of the summer heat the archers and their tent blinds on waterholes begin to pop up like mushroom after a heavy rain. The antelope hunting all takes place in the flat to rolling terrain of GMU003 and GMU301. This is a great “Low Impact” hunt, one for the youth for his first big game animal or a senior citizen that has not given up and want to hunt with him boys and shoot antelope, the time and the success together will be cherished for the years that make up the rest of their lives.
With September just a memory the Pronghorn antelope slips in under the cover of darkness during the 1st week in October and they are greeted by the antelope hunters toting rifles and the only tents by the water holes are the ones that the hunters are camped in during this usually mild weather.
The deer and elk stay for the most part in the cooler temperatures in GMU004 and GMU441 for their archer, muzzleloader and first couple of gun seasons before they slowly migrate down to the Craig Valley floor where some will spend the winter and others continue south to the Yampa River Valley and Axel basin to spend the winter.
This outfitter learned this migration pattern at an early age and knew that you had to have mountain private land as well as land in the valley if you wanted to hunt all three animals during all seasons.
This is exactly what you will be hunting, where the animals that you have a license for are at the time of your season. Not be told “they are not here yet, or they are below us like many are told each year by other outfitters. The words to remember,” Don’t miss the Flow!”
These hunts are all about having a safe and good hunt with a guide and outfitter that have lived here most if not all of their lives hunting and guiding this honey hole of hunting. The hunt includes the hunt, guided to the degree of semi-guided with both of you having the same goal, that is to meet the large Rocky Mountain Elk, the largest of the species face to face on his terms and to see who wins the right to brag or eat crow the next day depending on the outcome of the contacted opportunity.
Lodging and meals are the hunters responsibility and the outfitter will provide you with motel phone numbers in Craig that he recommends for his hunters and where you will all meet for breakfast early the first morning to head out in the darkness together after plans with maps, guides and hunters all in the loop. This is the first day of the rest of your life. You are going out west on a famous Colorado elk hunt that will build memories that data confirms that hunters enjoy enough that they return year after year.
You will be required to meet the outfitter at a prearranged location at a specific time early in the morning to start your hunt. If you are late and every one had gone stay in your car with your cell phone and depending on how the day goes they might be able to get back to you. Do not go in the property without the outfitter or guides knowledge.
Time has taught him about people or hunters. It is not a first time hunt for many and they mainly need access to private land where a “Land Stewart” has protected the land and made certain that the animals you are after are there when you get there.
What makes western hunter successful, or unsuccessful?
The other reason is many are short range ground blind whitetail hunters. The farthest they have ever shot is 50 yards in eastern whitetail states. Because of this a 300 or even 200 yard shot is out of the question. We have had them refuse to shoot an elk standing at 200 yards because they felt it was too far. If they do shoot they shoot that far standing up instead of with a rest or better yet laying down.
I recommend everyone to shoot a 300 yards target before coming out west. An elk is huge with a chance twice the size of a deer. (15x15 vs 36x36) so in theory shooting an elk at 200 years is like shooting a deer at 100 yards. If you can do well on paper at 300 yards you will be one of the 75% not the 25%. I also recommend shooting laying down on the ground this skill is difficult for many to lie down on the ground when hunting but this or to some degree with a rest is an important skill to build. Finally getting from a walking position to down on the ground in a solid position with shooting sticks low or resting the forearm of the rifle on a solid rest is a times even with elk hunting. You only have so much time to get from walking to pulling the trigger before the bull moves of out of sight. These are free ranging elk not high fence elk. They will do everything possible for them to be difficult to shoot, and for that we have no control but will do our best to give you an opportunity for a shot.
I have personally hunted in this area for 35 years and never gone home without an elk. You can’t find a denser population in the world then the private land you will be hunting in an area known as the elk capitol of the world. Even the public land elk move into the already high number on the private land as soon as the first shot is fired. The lead cow has been doing it for 15 years and they keep doing it generation after generations because it get so little pressure in comparison to the public land which is wall to wall blaze orange. The public land hunter does a good job of moving even more elk than we already have into our private property. Our private property is pre-scouted before the hunts and local herds spotted. Those have the public land herd by noon on the 1st day. Moving elk are an easier target than the local herds because they are not as familiar with the private property escape routes, while your guide is. If the elk are moving they are everywhere. Just like deer though if they decide to lie down and hold up they will still be there but must be spotted in their beds unless they get up to feed or migrate.
Would allow us to bring a self-contained RV to stay in on the property is a question we get asked but due to the fire danger during the hunting season which is usually announced by the forest service is extreme camping of any type is not allowed on the property. Better yet though is in the town of Craig is a KOA camp ground dedicated to hunters in the fall. It has a large game pole, for skinning and hanging you elk to cool. They provide anything that relates to hanging deer and elk along with hunting.
This outfitter books up early each year so by now some slots are already filled.
Tip: Deer and antelope require a preference point to draw a license, elk doesn't. You can put in for an elk point then get an elk license over the counter when you arrive in Colorado for the 2nd or 3rd seasons.
I always recommend putting in for a deer point also because with 0 points there are very few areas that you can get a deer license. I recommend putting in for a deer point then next year you will be able to draw a mule deer license for this area, which has fantastic Mule Deer hunting.
If you would like to shoot a mule deer there is only about a 50% chance of drawing one for private land with no points and you will be running into deer all day when you are elk hunting. I recommend putting in for a deer point this year so you will have one for next year or if you do want to hunt deer with your elk this year then put in for a deer and you will automatically either draw or get a point. Ask Greg for details on how you can build your points and hunt the best areas every year.
Also 2nd and 3rd season Bull Elk Licenses are available over the counter.
Possible left over licenses in some categories announced in July and sold first come first serve in August.
In all 4 units there is archery, muzzleloader, 1, 2, 3 and 4 hunting season. Of course during some season the better hunting maybe east or west of Highway 13 which is the paved road going north out of Craig and on to Baggs, Wyoming.
Which GMU or Game Management Unit you will be hunting during a specific date is all perfectly planned out to provide you with the most opportunity for taking home a big buck or bull.
Please plan on arriving a day early for your hunts to get settled in and meet the outfitter at 5 PM for the details for the next day’s hunt with the outfitter and understand the plan for the next morning.
Trophy Mule Deer hunt in GMU003, GMU301, GMU004 and GMU441. There are only 2 hunts per year on 20,000 acres of private land. You can anticipate a 20-28” wide buck or bigger. It is the beginning of the rut and the big timber bucks are coming down to the lower altitudes but the rut and pushed by winter. The hunt is the last 4 days of the 3rd season usually beginning around the 5th of November. Weather can rush the rut or retard it depend on Mother Nature. The hunter will need to provide the license either by a draw or buy a voucher to be able to get the license. Landowner Voucher usually runs about $ 1700 when available for Deer and about $1000 for antelope.
© Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc
Archery Season Go in on Sunday and come out on a Saturday (Break between 2 groups)
5 day hunt with 1 day (Saturday) in and 1 day (Sunday) out (season start 8/26)
Season Dates are as follows:
Sunday Saturday
1st week 08/26-09/02 Archery*
2st Week 09/03-09/09 Archery
3nd week 09/10-09/16 Muzzleloader/Archery
4th week 09/17-09/24 Archery*
• Note: Because season dates and the days of the week don’t align perfectly so the First week has a 1 day earlier and the last week has 1 extra day on the end.
1st Season 10/14--18
2nd Season 10/21-29
3rd Season 11/04-12
4th Season 11/15-19
© Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc
License Fees
Important Note: Anyone ages 18-64 MUST purchase a Habitat Stamp in order to buy or apply for a preference point or for hunting or fishing license. For more information, see Habitat Stamp Basics.
Elk, Cow
$ 49
$ 469
Elk, Bull or Either Sex
$ 49
$ 629
$ 34
$ 379
$ 254
$ 2,084
Pronghorn, Buck or Doe
$ 34
$ 379
$ 44
$ 354
*All prices include a 25-cent search-and-rescue fee, a 75-cent surcharge for the Wildlife Management Education Fund and a $3 application fee for limited licenses applied for in the draw. *Nonresident fishing licenses are good through March 31.
Habitat Stamps
Habitat Stamp (valid 4/1–3/31)
$ 10
$ 10
Lifetime Habitat Stamp
$ 300.25
$ 300.25
Greg Merriam
Master Hunt Broker
Master Land Owner Voucher Broker
Discounted Hunts LLC
Outdoor Writers LLC
Pro-Staff Dead Down Wind Scent Products
Pro-Staff Benchmaster Shooting Accuracy Products
1204 Button Rock Drive
Longmont, Co 80504
303-776-7528 Voice
303-746-1214 Cell Phone
Web Page:
Web Page for Vouchers This is the Link to the land Owner Voucher List
This is Antelope Hunting info This is Mule Deer Hunting info
This is Elk Hunting info This is Whitetail Deer Hunting info
Click on the Photo on the left to find where trophy
Deer and Elk are located, we know because we take many each year. Please send help with rifles, muzzleloaders or bows!
This is the Link to the land Owner Voucher List
© Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc
We accept
If the Client disagrees with a refund decision of any type or any other decision and uses the Charge Back Process the process is not valid because the client waves the right to use the process when he contracted for the hunt.We will work directly with the hunter and find that works better for everyone involved.
Hunts averaging 10% to 45% off available just ask we build hundreds of happy hunters in 28 states and Canada every year with Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Bear, Moose, sheep, exotics, and even hogs. All hunts subject to license availability and on a first come first serve basis.8
Auction Location:
1204 Button Rock Drive, Longmont, Colorado, 80504, United States
Buyer's Premiums:
From (Incl.) | To (Excl.) | Premium |
0.00 |
Infinite |
0% |
Additional Fees:
Shipping Details:
Once the 50% deposit is paid the Outfitter will call the hunter and confirm the hunt, he will answer any questions that the hunter may have. He will send him via email or Postal mail anything that is need. The outstanding balance is paid to the outfitter directly via check or money order no later than 45 days prior to the hunt.
Payment Details:
5061-CO-S-M-2000-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-A3IGCR-B1OG-YG3AR-20000 acres.
Hunt Date
Hunters: Email, Phone Number, Address, Season Date Chosen
Sale Price
Accepted Payment Methods:
- Master Card
- Discover
- Money Order/Bank Draft
- Check/Cheque
- PayPal
- Wire Transfer
All payments are to be by Credit Card within 48 hours of the end of the auction. Multiple slots in the 4 dates are available so more than 1 can be purchased. If it is a problem or you want to secure a specific date range please contact me as soon as possible. The 3rd season 11/03-11 books up first.
There is also the option of hunting mule deer at the same time or by drawing a license.