This item WAS NOT SOLD. Auction date was 2018 Jan 14 @ 18:06UTC-08:00 : PST/AKDT
Colorado Has extremely complex license application rules and laws. Because of that and that I have gotten licenses her for the past 50 years we will apply for the license for you if you wish. We don't charge the $50-$100 for this service like others, we provide it at no charge with every hunt booked to again confirm that your hunt is a very enjoyable hunt. The incorrect license can be a very bad day. We want to send you home after you hunt with a elk and good memories from your hunt.
Hunt ID:5099-CO-S-C-1200-421-ElkMDeer-RANC4OLB-R3HJ-THANJO5HNA-Great Elk
This hunt from a Cabin is best with 2 or more hunters with a cabin available if needed for as many as 6 hunters.
These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you only pay 50% of the winning price via credit card.
The balance of the hunt(The other 50%) isn't due until 45 days prior to your hunt. In most of my auctions as long as
you pay the deposit we can move the hunt to 2018, 2019, or even 2020 if needed.
Of course if someone dies during this span of time or the outfitter out of business
or any other unforeseen circumstances we will work with options with you.
These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you only pay 50% of the winning price via credit card.
The balance of the hunt(The other 50%) isn't due until 45 days prior to your hunt. In most of my auctions as long as
you pay the deposit we can move the hunt to 2018, 2019, or even 2020 if needed.
Of course if someone dies during this span of time or the outfitter out of business
or any other unforeseen circumstances we will work with options with you.
Semi-Guided elk hunt with lodging
Everyone wants a cabin hunt with of course deer and elk surrounding it, at a reasonable price. This one fits the bill but usually doesn’t last long. Licenses are easy to come buy with the most difficult being Mule Deer with a 60% draw success with 0 points in the march drawing. Elk Bulls are over the counter with 1st and fourth season drawable with 0 points and the same for cow elk.
The big option with this one is seldom seen but available here. A brand new are to hunt for you for the first. Remember you are hunting elk where the lead cow had learned from their ancestor’s hoe to stay alive, then personally she may have 14 years of he own experience added the that knowledge. Therefore, many hunters hesitate to change hunting areas they may have hunted it with their fathers for the last 30 years. In elk hunt knowledge and good legs are very important.
Now what this outfitter is doing that is so unique he is providing day guiding at a more than reasonable price, until he runs out of guides, so you will want to book one as soon as possible if you are interested.
If you miss the application deadline there are usually leftovers that can be a second choice or can even picked up in the leftovers the first week in August. In this case 2nd Season and 3rd season bull elk licenses are unlimited and available over the counter. Most of the time I can also get you a 1st season Either sex or a 4th season bull most years. In addition, early on there are also cow licenses for all 4 seasons. Archery is always over the counter Either Sex, while September muzzleloader usually takes a point to draw.
There are 3 cabins of varied sizes spread across the edges of the 240 acres of private land. They have direct access to the national forest in an area where any one elk would have to walk all the way around from a public access then walk up hill to where you will access/hunt on the back side of the private property.
The cabins are complete with propane to cook with, wood stove propane lights and outhouse. The outfitter provides Potable water for each cabin.
There is a 2 man, 4 man, and 6 man cabins that are spike camps close to the best elk hunting. They don’t have showers but the Lower lodge has a shower if you want to use it. It is about ¼ mile down the hill on the private land. This ranch does not use ATV’s daily and many of the deer and elk are extremely spooked if they hear or see a ATV. So, for everyone’s benefit if you get an elk down back in and can’t get it out just call or TXT the outfitter and he will bring up pack animals to pack it out and make everyone’s hunting better. On the National forest, there are no ATV trails anyway. It is quite remote and that is why the elk go there. The outfitter will pack out any elk for just a tip, except for the 4th season, which is discounted down to only $ 210.
The cabins are located on 240 acres of private land that borders the Grand Mesa National Forest. There is no public access to the National Forest in our area except for these 3 cabins. We have the Outfitting and Guide Permit on the National Forest in our area and it is over 10,000 acres. Below is a list of the hunts that I have available and the rates.
Archery Elk Hunting: All Elk hunting prices will increase $100 next year.
Sunday Saturday
1st week 08/26-09/02 Archery*
2st Week 09/03-09/09 Archery
3nd week 09/10-09/16 Muzzleloader/Archery
4dth week 09/17-09/24 Archery*
• Note: Because season dates and the days of the week don’t align perfectly so the First week has a 1 day earlier and the last week has 1 extra day on the end.
Outfitter will not split groups but try to book the fairest way first come first serve.
Archery Season hunters go in on Sunday and come out on a Saturday (Break between 2 groups)
5 day hunt with 1 day (Saturday) in and 1 day (Sunday) out (season start 8/26)
Cabins are $ 1195 per 5 day hunt per person during the Archery season.
Cabins are $ 1195 per 5 day hunt per person during the Muzzle Loader season.
Additional Days if available are $200 per hunter.
Non-Hunting Guests are @ $200 for a 4 day season hunt and $ 250 on a 5 day season hunt.
Outfitter will not split groups but try to book the fairest way first come first serve.
The Highly-discounted hunts and great deals are sent to the “Preferred Hunters” first before they even make the web site. Because of this, many times the Preferred Hunters buy them out and they never make the web site. It receives the landowner vouchers as soon as they come in also. If you would like to be on the “Preferred Hunters List” please contact me by EMAIL: or 303-776-7528. I will place you on the highly informative for the hunter the Preferred Hunters List.
Rifle Elk Hunting and Deer if you have -a Deer License Semi-Guided
1st Season 10/14-18 5 Day Season are $ 3000 but because of short notice have been discounted down this year per hunter to only………………………………………………………$ 2000
1st half of 2nd Season 10/21-24 -Cabins are $ 2300 discounted down to only $ 200 per Hunter
4 day during the 1st 4 days of the rifle season. Additional Days if available are $250
per hunter. 1st half of 2nd Season Hunters arrive the day before the season and must
be off the property by 10 am 10/24 so the cabins can be cleaned and a chance for
the game to refresh. No hunting on 10/24……………………………………………………………….…………. $ 1395
2nd half of 2nd Season 10/25-28 4 day cabin hunt is $ 2300 discounted down to only $ 2000
per 4 day hunt per person during the 2nd half of 2nd of the rifle season. Additional Days
if available extra days are $250 per hunter. Hunters arrive after 2 pm on 10/24 and can hunt that evening. Then leave the property on 10/29………………$ 2000
1st half of 3rd Season Half 11/04-07
9 day total season-Cabins are $ 2300 discounted down to only $ 2000 per 4 day hunt per
person during the rifle season. Additional Days if available are $250 per hunter. Hunters arrive the day before the season and must be off the property by 10 am 11/08 so the cabins can be cleaned and a chance for the game to refresh. No hunting on 11/08………………………………………………………$ 2000
2nd half of 3rd Season 11/09-12
Cabins are $ 2300 discounted down to only $ 2000 per person. During the last 4 days of the rifle season. Additional Days if available are $250 per hunter. Hunters arrive after 2 pm on 11/08 and can hunt that evening. Then leave the property on 11/13………………………………………………………………$ 2000
4st Season 11/15-19 5 Day Season in cabins are $ 2300 but because of short notice have been discounted down this year per hunter to only……………………$2000
4th Season 11/15-19 5 Day Season $ 1495 per hunter for 3 or $ 2000 per hunter for 4.
4th Season Only: The Base lodge November 15th-19th $ 2500 and $ 2600 respectively discounted down to only 3 for $ 2000 or 4 at $ 2000 to hunt the private property and lower part of the National Forest)
Day Hunt Guiding
The day guide rate is $300 per day hunting 1 hunter on 1 Guide or $200 per day as a 2 Hunters on 1 Guide or more per hunter. This is an option if you already have one of the cabin but decide you need a guide for a day or 2 that will show you around where the elk are instead of spending the first couple of days finding where the elk are not. The commit must be made in advance.
This can be the first day or longer just be certain to reserve the guide and the number of days early he will certainly run out of guides before he runs out of hunters.
©Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures LLC
Many hunters ask me which is the best season and do you hunt high or low? The bulk of the elk are on the higher ground. If they are seen on the lower ground they are crossing enroute to the higher ground.
When it comes to what is the best season you need to think like a gypsy because this is how an elk thinks.
He has 4 requirements:
1. Safety is number 1 and always number 1 he will travel miles day and night to be in a safe location and during migration he may,” back migrate” to return to safety to bed for the day. You must remember the lead cow in a herd with or without a bull may be 10-14 years old, and she learned from the prior lead cow with her 10-14 years under her belt. So you are squaring off with a cow with 20 years of experience under her belt (if she had a belt, and this is your first year on her ground. You must make up your handicap with woodsman, hunting and shooting skills. If you are working a bull remember he has probably had challenges every year of his life from hunters trying to mount him on their wall. Since he is still here it means that he has won every challenge he has met. Be certain you have something better than the previous hunters that challenged him if you want to put him on your wall.
2.Food, as in green grass and fresh new growth, forbes. The best is out in the middle of a wide open field, but then requirement number 1 kicks in and eating in a wide open field is only good before opening day and he will find his vitals in smaller clearings.
3. Water, has for all animals is important. It is more of an issue during the early season in September archery and 75-80 degree temperatures makes water hole sitting quite productive about 4 pm when they leave their shady day beds to replenish all the water they have used during processing that mornings breakfast grass. Later in the season when snow is available and water sources become frozen, snow becomes their water source.
4. I will say, the Rut, is powerful but short lived in the duration of hunting season. Mid to Late September is the chasing peak, post rut, and looking for leftover cows time. After that the best you can get is a response to a bugle if pressure has been light but they are not coming to you, you must quickly go to them if you want to locate them. Personally, I feel a cow call, or for those that are mouth impaired and not a good one with reed calls get a 1 hand squeeze call like a Hoochie Mama for $ 30 squeeze it every 200 yards or so when you are walking through cover don’t be surprised if you walk up on a herd of bedded elk thinking the walking noise they herd was that of a walking cow elk, they had no need to be alarmed or get up. Be certain as you walk to get low and look under the pine limbs, a bedded elk is only 3 feet tall.
Now you tell me which elk season is the best, and enjoy learning for yourself which is the best elk season.
© Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc
License Fees
Important Note: Anyone ages 18-64 MUST purchase a Habitat Stamp in order to buy or apply for a preference point or for a hunting or fishing license. For more information, see Habitat Stamp Basics.
Elk, Cow
$ 49
$ 469
Elk, Bull or Either Sex
$ 49
$ 629
$ 34
$ 379
$ 254
$ 2,084
Pronghorn, Buck or Doe
$ 34
$ 379
$ 44
$ 354
*All prices include a 25-cent search-and-rescue fee, a 75-cent surcharge for the Wildlife Management Education Fund and a $3 application fee for limited licenses applied for in the draw. *Nonresident fishing licenses are good through March 31.
Habitat Stamps
Habitat Stamp (valid 4/1–3/31)
$ 10
$ 10
Lifetime Habitat Stamp
$ 300.25
$ 300.25
This is not recommended for the 1st time elk hunters unless accompanied by experienced elk hunters. The elk are there but like any elk hunt you need to know how to locate them. It is terrific elk hunting country but you will need to hunt without guidance on elk that may be 4-8 years old. Because of the location any size bull is possible since elk pass through this area daily 9 months out of the year from many other areas.
Archery Season Go in on Sunday and come out on a Saturday (Break between 2 groups)
5 day hunt with 1 day (Saturday) in and 1 day (Sunday) out (season start 8/26)
Season Dates are as follows:
Sunday Saturday
1st week 08/26-09/02 Archery*
2st Week 09/03-09/09 Archery
3nd week 09/10-09/16 Muzzleloader/Archery
4th week 09/17-09/24 Archery*
• Note: Because season dates and the days of the week don’t align perfectly so the First week has a 1 day earlier and the last week has 1 extra day on the end.
1st Season 10/14--18
2nd Season 10/21-29
3rd Season 11/04-12
4th Season 11/15-19
© Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc
License Fees
Important Note: Anyone ages 18-64 MUST purchase a Habitat Stamp in order to buy or apply for a preference point or for a hunting or fishing license. For more information, see Habitat Stamp Basics.
Elk, Cow
$ 49
$ 469
Elk, Bull or Either Sex
$ 49
$ 629
$ 34
$ 379
$ 254
$ 2,084
Pronghorn, Buck or Doe
$ 34
$ 379
$ 44
$ 354
*All prices include a 25-cent search-and-rescue fee, a 75-cent surcharge for the Wildlife Management Education Fund and a $3 application fee for limited licenses applied for in the draw. *Nonresident fishing licenses are good through March 31
Habitat Stamps
Habitat Stamp (valid 4/1–3/31
$ 10
$ 10
Lifetime Habitat Stamp
$ 300.25
$ 300.25
If the Client disagrees with a refund decision of any type or any other decision and uses the Charge Back Process the process is not
valid because the client waves the right to use the process when he contracted for the hunt. We will work directly with the hunter.We will work directly with the hunter and find that works better for everyone involved.
Greg Merriam
Senior Hunt Locator & Hunt Planner
Master Hunt Broker
Master Land Owner Voucher Broker
Discounted Hunts LLC
Outdoor Writers LLC
Pro-Staff Dead Down Wind Scent Products
Pro-Staff Benchmaster Shooting Accuracy Products
1204 Button Rock Drive
Longmont, Co 80504
303-776-7528 Voice
303-746-1214 Cell Phone
Web Page:
Web Page:
Utube: Discounted Hunts
Skype: DiscountedHunts
© Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc
Auction Location:
1204 Button Rock Drive, Longmont, Colorado, 80504, United States
Buyer's Premiums:
From (Incl.) | To (Excl.) | Premium |
0.00 |
Infinite |
0% |
Additional Fees:
Shipping Details:
Once the 50% deposit is paid the Outfitter will call the hunter and confirm the hunt, he will answer any questions that the hunter may have. He will send him via email or Postal mail anything that is need. The outstanding balance is paid to the outfitter directly via check or money order no later than 45 days prior to the hunt.
Payment Details:
5061-CO-S-M-2000-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-A3IGCR-B1OG-YG3AR-20000 acres.
Hunt Date
Hunters: Email, Phone Number, Address, Season Date Chosen
Sale Price
Accepted Payment Methods:
- Master Card
- Discover
- Money Order/Bank Draft
- Check/Cheque
- PayPal
- Wire Transfer
All payments are to be by Credit Card within 48 hours of the end of the auction. Multiple slots in the 4 dates are available so more than 1 can be purchased. If it is a problem or you want to secure a specific date range please contact me as soon as possible. The 3rd season 11/03-11 books up first.
There is also the option of hunting mule deer at the same time or by drawing a license.