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Discounted Hunts LLC
Discounted US Semi-Guided and Guided hunts with and without lodging
Discounted US Semi-Guided and Guided hunts with and without lodging
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Auction Location
1204 Button Rock Drive
United States
Auction Details
We focus on the hunts affordable to the working man. Many hunters find them so economical they hunt 2 or 3 per year. We have Semi-Guided and Guided hunts for Elk, Mile Deer, Whitetail Deer, Antelope, Bear, Moose, Exotics, and Hogs along with the other 32 game animals. We have hunts in 35 states and Canada. Some have lodging, while others do not.
We sell over 500 hunts per year with a large amount of them being Elk in Colorado, Antelope in Wyoming, Mule Deer in Nebraska along with whitetail in Iowa and Missouri.
Web personally apply for your license as a free service so that when opening day comes you are assured to have the right license for the right animal in the right state, in your right hand. Not having the correct state/animal/season can be quite frustrating in the western state where there are so many license combinations and the licenses are many times a draw license which cannot be refunded.
I am a western State license application consultant so I know how to get you the best license for the best areas in the best states. With time vI can get you hunting and building the needed points at the same time so you never miss a year of hunting. I have access to hundreds of vouchers if you want to spend the money to go that route.
After providing this service for hunters for 35 years and hunting 20 sates each year I keep up with the changing regulations but more important the animal densities in each area so you don't arrive the year after a winter kill, blue tongue or CWD outbreak. We consistently have the highest harvest rates in the area which has a lot to do with 98% of our hunts being on private property.
We have Trophy hunts as well as meat hunts so we cove a wide span of animals plus, of course we are not centered on rifle hunts but also have archers, muzzleloader, shotgun and pistol hunts.
We work with over 200 outfitters so that we have a the hunt you are looking for.
More important is the way we match a hunter and a hunt. We are then only ones that have ever found our patented formula to provide the best match and multiple choices for the hunter.
Most companies look to find a hunter and a hunt and sell the hunt.
Our famous way of providing the best match is slower and more lengthy but by far more accurate of course.
Instead of just getting you a hunt we don't start with the characteristics of the hunts. We begin with a conversation with the hunter to see what his hunting history, skill, knowledge and experience is. Also some idea of his budget and is he looking for a semi-guided hunt or a guided hunt. We also look at where he lives and drive time/flight cost to get to the hunt. The best dates for the hunter that match the hunt rut schedule, and so on. Then we hand select the hunts that fit that category and classification and email a full description of the hunt to them. The description that is emailed has up to 20 photographs, details on season dates, best dates, and pricing with discounted pricing available. After booking for the information that the outfitter and myself put together the outfitter personally calls you of an evening to answer any questions you may still have. If after speaking with him you decide that this is not the hunt for you then you can receive a full refund and hunt a different hunt or no hunt at all. It is much more important that the hunt fit you than having a sale.
In addition there is no cost to you for this service it is completely funded by the outfitter. In our eyes all of the outfitter are 100% equal as far as payment for our services so it is extremely easy for us to not be bias to one outfitter or another but more important to be the best match.
Many of these outfitters myself or my staff has hunted with at one time or another or hunted his area in the past so we don't just pick them out of the yellow pages.
Our goal is to put you in the hands of an outfitter that is as proficient in finding you animals as we are in finding the right outfitter for you.
That is my Promise.
Greg Merriam
Outfitter Business Consultant
The Hunting Consultant with Hunting Connections
President of Outfitters Return
Senior Hunt Locator & Hunt Planner
1 Shot Antelope Club
Outfitter Business Consultant
Outfitter & Hunter Coordination’s
Master Hunt Broker
600 Long Ranges NRA
Master Land Owner Voucher Broker
Mule Deer Foundation
Discounted Hunts LLC
Outdoor Writers LLC
Western State Draw Consultant
Pro-Staff Western Powders The #1 Mz Loader Powder Blackhorn209®
Pro-Staff Dead Down Wind Scent Products®
Pro-Staff Benchmaster Shooting Accuracy Products®
1204 Button Rock Drive
Longmont, Co 80504
303-776-7528 Voice
303-746-1214 Cell Phone
An American Company and Proud of it
Web Page:
Skype: DiscountedHunts
Colorado Has extremely complex license application rules and laws. Because of that and that I have gotten licenses her for the past 50 years we will apply for the license for you if you wish. We don't charge the $50-$100 for this service like others, we provide it at no charge with every hunt booked to again confirm that your hunt is a very enjoyable hunt. The incorrect license can be a very bad day. We want to send you home after you hunt with a elk and good memories from your hunt.
2018 Jan 14
UTC-08:00 : PST/AKDT
# Rows
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1 -
Discounted Guided Colorado Elk Hunt in the Elk Capitol of the World, Craig Colorado 2018 or 2019
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:5061-CO-S-M-2000-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-A3IGCR-B1OG-YG3AR-20000 acres These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you only
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 4,000.00 - 4,500.00
2 -
Guaranteed Iowa or Missouri Semi-Guided on Private farms Whitetail Hunt Free Ranging Whitetails
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:4001-IA-MO-S-M-1495-WDeerTurkey-SE3LLRUS-R1IKE-D1D-No-M7L-Whitetail These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you only
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,000.00 | Estimate : 2,500.00 - 3,500.00
3 -
Discounted Semi-Guided Colorado Mule Deer Hunt on 30,000 Acres with 100% Success in the Past
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID: 5062-CO-G-N-2295-013-ElkMdeerAntelope-R1AIGC-O1T-ACK1J- Great price 300,000 Acres-Mule Deer These items reflect the total price. When you
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 2,500.00 - 5,000.00
4 -
Discounted Gillette Wy Fully Guided Antelope Hunt w/Meals and Lodging on 30,000 acres of Prime Priva
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:9010-G-L-1500-023-AntelopeMDeer-WY-T5TEGILLE-OHW-N2EZA-R2CIEMA-Quality Hunts-Antelope These items reflect the total price. When you win the
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 2,500.00 - 3,000.00
5 -
Discou Colorado's Texas style Elk& Deer hunt 2nd floor shooting house/Low impact Hunt/2 hunters best
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID: 5077-CO-S-C-2995-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-YBEL2LMA-VRY-YDB2O-Shooting House This hunt is best with 2 hunters that know each other. The Shooting
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 3,000.00 | Estimate : 4,700.00 - 5,900.00
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Discounted Private Land Mule Deer Hunt for 2018/2019
Discounted Hunts LLC
COLORADO PRIVATE LAND SEMI-GUIDED MULE DEER HUNT 2018 OR 2019 Hunt ID: 5062-CO-G-N-2295-013-ElkMdeerAntelope-R1AIGC-O1T-ACK1J- Great price 300,000 Ac
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 2,700.00 - 5,000.00
7 -
Discounted Semi-Guided Colorado Elk Hunt from a Cabin with free Pack out of elk to the cabin
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:5099-CO-S-C-1200-421-ElkMDeer-RANC4OLB-R3HJ-THANJO5HNA-Great Elk ----------------------------------------------------------- This hunt fro
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 1,000.00 | Estimate : 2,000.00 - 3,000.00
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Discounted Elk Hunting Lodge for 4-6 hunters w/3000 private acres in GMU421 SW Colorado/ATVs
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:5025-CO-S-C-1495-421-ElkMDeer-RANCO5LLB-CR1L-LA1NA-Deer Elk and Exotics Elk Hunting Lodge for 4-6 hunters w/3000 private acres in GMU421 SE o
Bidding Has Concluded
Quantity : 4 | Start Price : 3,500.00 | Estimate : 4,000.00 - 5,000.00
9 -
Discounted Hunt Exotics In Colorados Mountains, while in Colorado see Elk the Colorado Sites
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:5025-CO-S-C-1495-421-ElkMDeer-RANCO5LLB-CR1L-LA1NA-Deer Elk and Exotics These items reflect the total price. When you win the auction you onl
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 500.00 | Estimate : 1,900.00 - 2,500.00
10 -
Discounted Great Horseback Cow Elk Hunt in Wyoming, 4000 elk in the area is not uncommon
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:9011-WY-G-M-1495-75-CELK-CKSO2NJA-GNT-ALP1HR-Horseback Cow Elk High Success Rate These items reflect the total price. When you win the auctio
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 2,000.00 - 2,500.00
11 -
Discounted 2 Hunters Auction price each Colorado Guided elk huntw/M& L/1 hour horseback in AM & PM
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:5099-CO-S-C-1200-421-ElkMDeer-RANC4OLB-R3HJ-THANJO5HNA-Great Elk & Deer Hunt These items reflect the total price. When you win the auct...
Bidding Has Concluded
Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,900.00 | Estimate : 4,000.00 - 6,000.00
12 -
Discounted Sand Hills & Corn Mule Deer Hunt Guided, Meals & Lodging Low Impact 100% Success
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:6013-NE-G-L-2695-Plains-MDeer-NE-OSHO4SHK-R1S-YC2O-Muleys in Corn and Nebraska Sand hills. These items reflect the total price. When you win
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 3,800.00 - 4,800.00
To View Winning Bid
13 -
Discounted California Hunts for Tule Elk, Hogs, Blacktail, Varmit, Birds, Auction Aoudad Ram
Discounted Hunts LLC
DISCOUNTED PRICING AVAILABLE AS ANIMALS ARE AVAILABLE Hunt ID: 3001-G-L-2500-HogsBuffaloExoticsBDeerAoudadBirdTurkeyVarmint-L1OSS-W2OB-ytonC3la-Many
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 3,000.00 | Estimate : 4,200.00 - 6,500.00
14 -
Discounted Elk Grand Slam prized California Rare Tule Elk only 1 available/Get your last elk SLAM
Discounted Hunts LLC
Hunt ID:9002-G-L-1795-TuleElk-L1OSS-W2OB-YTONC3LA-Tule Elk Hunts California Prized Tule Elk © Copyright Discounted Hunting Adventures llc T...
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 14,000.00 | Estimate : 22,000.00 - 32,000.00
15 -
Discounted Western Canadian Trophy Moose Hunt in some of the best allocations in Canada
Discounted Hunts LLC
North Western Canadian Moose Hunt We provide Western Canadian Moose at about 1/3rd of the price of a Alaskan Moose. These items reflect the total
Bidding Has Concluded
Estimate : 9,000.00 - 1,200.00
# Rows
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Auction Phone: 303-776-7528
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Discounted Hunts LLC
Longmont, Colorado, United States
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