Florida 2-day Private Land Alligator Hunt – 1 hunter and 1 non-hunter

Currency:USD Category:Hunting Start Price:100.00 USD Estimated At:NA
Florida 2-day Private Land Alligator Hunt – 1 hunter and 1 non-hunter
1,200.00USDby halfslammer2023
You must bid at least
1,300.00 x 1 unit = 1,300.00USDApplicable fees & taxes are added at checkout.
[?]Live Online Auction Starts In 2025 Mar 22 @ 19:00 (UTC-6 : CST/MDT)
Florida 2-day Private Land Alligator Hunt – 1 hunter and 1 non-hunter with God’s Country Outfitters

Hunt can be either a day or night hunt. Day is recommended for first time alligator hunters. Choose your weapon.

If you are a first-time alligator hunter a day hunt may be a good option. The thrill of seeing alligators in the light of day is something all first-time hunters should experience. Day hunts are a little less intense as well. You will scan the Florida swamps by boat and when a gator is spotted we will attempt to snag it – that’s when the fight begins. Once the gator is snagged you will have the opportunity to harvest it with your weapon of choice. Rifle hunts allow for longer shots, 25 to 30 yards, and archery, spear or other methods require getting a little closer.

The most exciting gator hunts we offer are night hunts, which is partially due to what is known as alligator eye shine. The distinctive eye shine of an alligator is caused by a layer of cells called the tapetum lucidum. The layer is situated behind the photoreceptor cells in the retina and reflects light back, which increases the amount of light the alligator eye can detect. This dramatically improves an alligator's vision in low light conditions, which is why gators are more active at night. There’s nothing like spotting the ghostly eye-shine from a gator in the moonlight – that’s when the hunt begins!

Florida Alligator Size
Although male alligators in Florida can become quite large, female alligators rarely exceed 10 feet in length. The Florida state record for a gator is a 14 foot 3-1/2 inch male alligator from Lake Washington and the Florida weight record for an alligator is 1,043 pounds. Our alligator hunts will probably not produce trophy gators of this size, but you never know!

Hunt dates: 2025 (except March and April), to be scheduled with outfitter.

A hog hunt can be added for a fee including spot and stalk hog hunt or a thermal night hog hunt. Weapons are available for a fee.

All sales are final. Hunt may not be re-sold.

Donated by God's Country Outfitters
San Mateo, FL