National Wild Turkey Federation

About National Wild Turkey Federation

The mission of the National Wild Turkey Federation is no less urgent today than when it was founded in 1973. What we do in the coming decades will be instrumental in not only enhancing wild turkey populations but also in the continuation of hunting and quality wildlife habitat for countless species across the west like elk and mule deer to name a few. NWTF is a nonprofit with a 501 C 3 status, which allows contributions to be tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Western Region NWTF has and will continue to offer exceptional hunting opportunities and experiences. With the money raised through your donation we are able to put 91% back on the ground to increase habitat improvement.
Save the Habitat. Save the Hunt. Initiative Progress
Conserve or Enhance 4 million acres of wildlife habitat.
2019: 653,676 Acres
7-Year Total: 3,583,469 Acres
Recruit 1.5 million hunters
2019: 8,865
7-Year Total: 1,526,852*
[Goal surpassed in 2019]
*includes Families Afield
Open access to 500,000 acres for hunting
2019: 66,826 Acres
7-Year Total: 626,658 Acres
[Goal surpassed in 2018]
Gun a Day in May Raffle 99993005-2020

Auctioneer's Auctions

NWTF Firearms AuctionNWTF Firearms Auction(Session 1)
National Wild Turkey Federation
Edgefield, South Carolina, United States
2025 Mar 23 @ 20:00Auction Local Time (UTC-06:00 : CST/MDT)
2025 Mar 23 @ 19:00Pacific Time