Safari Club International - Northwest Chapter

About Safari Club International - Northwest Chapter

Safari Club International (SCI) is the leader in protecting our freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide by:
Collecting, organizing and distributing educational information and data regarding the wild animals of the world and hunting opportunities available in the world.

- Supporting research and management and influence laws and regulations in favor of wildlife conservation and to participate in civic and humanitarian efforts that support our goals.

- Providing a channel for organized efforts to promote a public understanding and acceptance of hunting as an effective tool for wildlife conservation and management.

- Associating with other clubs throughout the world that share our goals, beliefs, and purposes for participating in programs of common interest.

- SCI Members are active in more than 100 countries, and you’ll cherish your involvement with SCI. SCI fights tirelessly to protect the hunting heritage enjoyed by 15 million Americans and 45 million families around the globe.

- Together, we help every sportsman and sportswoman understand how and why SCI is truly ‘First for Hunters.’ By joining SCI, you join the ranks of hunters spanning more than 100 countries who share the same passion for our hunting heritage and wildlife conservation as you.

Auctioneer's Auctions

SCINW Sportsmen for ConservationSCINW Sportsmen for Conservation(Almost Live Afternoon Auction)
Safari Club International - Northwest Chapter
Tacoma, Washington, United States
2025 Mar 29 @ 19:00Auction Local Time (UTC-8 : PST/AKDT)
2025 Mar 29 @ 20:00Pacific Time