Salmon & Halibut Fishing in Alaska

Currency:USD Category:Hunting Start Price:250.00 USD
Salmon & Halibut Fishing in Alaska
Salmon & Halibut Fishing in Alaska Donated by: Tuck Harry & Fishing Bear Charters

Two-day Salmon and Halibut fishing trip for two people: Fish with Tuck Harry of Fishing Bear Charters in June or July 2017 at Tenakee Springs Alaska. Meals and lodging included, as is all fishing gear. Winning bidder must buy 1 extra day or bring one additional person at the regular price of $650.00 per person per day. Floatplane flight to Tenakee from Juneau is not included, but can be arranged (approx. $300). Tuck has donated this trip several times and it is very popular! For more information, talk to Fred Peters, Gary Tennison or Deb & Doug Barrett. They have been on this trip. Contact, Tuck Harry: Phone, 907-736-2350; E-mail, fishintke@email.msn.com Website, www.fishingbearcharters.com . Address, PO Box 56, Tenakee Springs, AK 99841