South African Kalahari - 7 Days, Six Animals including Zebra, Gemsbok For 2 – 3 Hunters

Currency:CAD Category:Hunting / South Africa Start Price:1,600.00 CAD
Please review and understand all Preview Instructions and Terms and Conditions before you bid. No refunds of any kind!
Generally, outfitters do not allow back to back donation hunts, so even if the description is not explicit, do not buy more than one hunt per country! If you want to string together two or more hunts, you must gain the approval of all outfitters ahead of bidding.
There is an implicit stipulation that any donation is for new customers only. Check with your outfitter!
Bert Meyers of De Duine Safaris has put together a great hunt for two to three hunters over five days of hunting and two travel days. The hunt includes one of each of a gemsbok, Burchell’s zebra, impala, blesbok, steenbok, and springbok in total for the group.

This auction item also entitles the bidder to a great experience staying in their lodge for an authentic African safari. Included in the package is five days of hunting, accommodation, meals, drinks within reason, field prep of trophies and transportation to taxidermist 120 km away, PH/skinner and transportation from and to the Kimberley airport.

The donation also includes the ability to extend the trip at the reduced price of $200 US/day and each non-hunter at $120 US/day. To not leave anyone out, additional hunters beyond the three hunters can be added for the same $200 US/day. Other fees that would be incurred by the hunter are other animals, gratuities, taxidermy, dip and pack, shipping charges, and air travel to and from Kimberley. Please note the donation is for two or more hunters and not one hunter shooting all animals, and the purchaser(s) must undertake a fair upgrade with additional animals from their reasonable price list.

Besides the animals on the price list, the lucky buyers will have the privilege to include the following animals at discounted prices, sable at $5000, roan for $7000, lioness at $5500 and male lion at $12,000. All prices are in $US and include the appropriate dangerous game day-rate.

De Duine is located in the South African portion of the Kalahari Desert. The trip may be taken during any open dates available during 2019 or 2020. Bert will pick you at the Kimberly airport, and will find yourself being part of the family before he drops you back off!

Here is the quote from Mike, who bought this trip in 2017. “It has been a very good hunt. Tonight we sat around the fire watching the stars and listening to the lion's roar. Incredible”.

This donation is given in good faith to SCI Calgary Chapter to help support their worthy cause. With this in mind, De Duine Safaris do not allow two donation hunts back to back or at the same time by the same group, and there is no exchange of animals or credit allowed.

For more information and to schedule a hunt, contact Bert at (+27)76 400 2005 or
Email bemeyer@mweb.co.za. Their website is http://www.phbert.co.za/index.htm.

We thank Bert Meyer and De Duine Safaris for this great hunt and their continued support of SCI Calgary.