Vos & Co Safaris 6 Day, 2 Hunter, Wildebeest Slam.

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Vos & Co Safaris   6 Day, 2 Hunter, Wildebeest Slam.
25.00USDby Hollywood1992
You must bid at least
50.00 x 1 unit = 50.00USDApplicable fees & taxes are added at checkout.
[?]Live Online Auction Starts In 2025 Apr 05 @ 20:15 (UTC-05:00 : EST/CDT)

Vos & Co Safaris 6 Day, 2 Hunter, Wildebeest Slam.
Chris Vosloo has donated this very special hunt for the Wildebeest of Africa. Included in this hunt are the trophy fees for (3) Wildebeest, 6 hunting days, 2x1 guided safari for 2 hunters. Method of take is with rifle. Schedule this hunt for open dates in 2025/2026
3 Donated animals only, shared by both hunters: (1) Black Wildebeest, (1) Blue Wildebeest and (1) Golden Wildebeest, in the Northern Cape province. Included are all accommodation, full safari staff, meals and drinks, trophy fees for donated species, one hunting license per hunter, field prep of your trophies.
Hunt can be upgraded and extended per the outfitters current price list. Additional hunters, non-hunters and trophies are always welcome. Please allow extra days for hunting and travelling.
Not included are before and after hunt expenses, Day of arrival and departure of $350 per day per hunter, flights, airport transfer fee, firearms permit and clearance, taxidermy and shipping of the trophies. Gratuities. 15% Government Vat on value of the package

Value; $13,100.00

Vos and CO Safaris info@vosandco.com