WildLife Partners Spring 2025 Super Exotic Wildlife Auction

Auction Details

This Two-day Event Schedule is as Follows:

Friday, April 4th
NEW Friday Charity Fundraiser & Stocker Special Auction

Featuring 50 Lots of exotic wildlife, fun charity lots, and more!


Doors Open: 5:00pm
Food & Drink: 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Auction: 7:00pm

Saturday, April 5th
Super Exotic Wildlife Auction
Doors Open: 4:00pm
Food & Drink: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Trinity Oaks Raffle: Conclusion of Auction
Auction Begins: 6:00pm
Conclusion of Auction: 9:00pm

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Katie Leibold at (602) 319-0370 or by email kleibold@wildlifepartners.com

WildLife Partners is an innovative wildlife conservation company.
Our model marries the desire to do good for the world with economic incentives.

It has been proven that wildlife conservation does not have to be centered around an altruistic approach funded by donations.
When it is accentuated by for profit motives, outsiders that would otherwise not participate, join the fight to save species from extinction.
The benefits are gratification from doing a great thing for our planet, active participation in wildlife breeding/ranching, cash flow distributions and up to 100% tax deductions.
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0.2 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest600 - 0.2 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female White-Bearded Wildebeest raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Arabian Oryx601 - 0.2 Yearling Arabian Oryx
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Arabian Oryx raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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0.2 Mature Exposed Eland602 - 0.2 Mature Exposed Eland
WildLife Partners
Two mature Eland cows raised on 500 acres from our Pettus ranch. These are proven producing cows from a well established herd.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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2.0 Yearling Arabian Oryx603 - 2.0 Yearling Arabian Oryx
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Arabian Oryx raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,000.00
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0.3 Yearling Gemsbok604 - 0.3 Yearling Gemsbok
WildLife Partners
Three yearling female Gemsbok raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 3 | Start Price : 3,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Grant's Gazelle605 - 2.0 Yearling Grant's Gazelle
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Grant's Gazelle coming from our Carrizo Springs Texas Ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.2 Yearling Addax606 - 0.2 Yearling Addax
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Addax raised on a few hundred acres from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Blesbok607 - 0.2 Yearling Blesbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Blesbok raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 4,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Impala608 - 2.0 Yearling Impala
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Impala raised on 100 acres from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,000.00
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2.0  Yearling Nile Lechwe609 - 2.0 Yearling Nile Lechwe
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Nile Lechwe raised on our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Sitatunga610 - 2.0 Yearling Sitatunga
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Sitatunga pen raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.2 Mature Eland611 - 0.2 Mature Eland
WildLife Partners
Two mature Eland cows raised on 500 acres from our Pettus ranch. These are proven producing cows from a well established herd.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.3 Two Year Old Hog Deer612 - 0.3 Two Year Old Hog Deer
WildLife Partners
Three two year old female Hog Deer pen raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 3 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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2.0 Yearling Nyala613 - 2.0 Yearling Nyala
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Nyala raised on 15 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 3,000.00
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0.2 Two Year Old Kangaroo614 - 0.2 Two Year Old Kangaroo
WildLife Partners
Two year old female Kangaroos pen raised and mother raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,000.00
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0.3 Three Year Old Hog Deer615 - 0.3 Three Year Old Hog Deer
WildLife Partners
Three year old female Hog Deer pen raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 3 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.1 Yearling Springbok616 - 0.1 Yearling Springbok
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Springbok pen raised from our Mountain Home ranch.
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Start Price : 8,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Arabian Oryx617 - 0.2 Yearling Arabian Oryx
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Arabian Oryx raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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2.0 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest618 - 2.0 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male White-Bearded Wildebeest raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.2 Yearling Gemsbok619 - 0.2 Yearling Gemsbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Gemsbok raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 3,000.00
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2.0 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest620 - 2.0 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male White-Bearded Wildebeest raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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2.0 Yearling Sable621 - 2.0 Yearling Sable
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Sable raised on 1200 acres from our Mountain Home ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,500.00
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0.2 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest622 - 0.2 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female White-Bearded Wildebeest raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Sitatunga623 - 0.1 Yearling Sitatunga
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Sitatunga pen raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Start Price : 10,000.00
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2.0 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest624 - 2.0 Yearling White-Bearded Wildebeest
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male White-Bearded Wildebeest raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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2.0 Yearling Blesbok625 - 2.0 Yearling Blesbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling Blesbok pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.2 Yearling Blesbok626 - 0.2 Yearling Blesbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Blesbok raised on several hundred acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 4,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Nile Lechwe627 - 0.2 Yearling Nile Lechwe
WildLife Partners
Two female Nile Lechwe raised on 160 acres from our Pearsall ranch. They are sired by the bull pictured which is one of our most impressive Nile Lechw
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 5,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Blesbok628 - 2.0 Yearling Blesbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling Blesbok pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.2 Yearling Eland629 - 0.2 Yearling Eland
WildLife Partners
Two yearling Eland females pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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2.0 Yearling Gemsbok630 - 2.0 Yearling Gemsbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling Gemsbok males coming from our Pearsall ranch. This herd of Gemsbok is known for having exceptionally large cows and high quality genetics
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.1 Yearling Dama Gazelle631 - 0.1 Yearling Dama Gazelle
WildLife Partners
One female Dama Gazelle raised from the Lodge Pasture of our Mountain Home ranch. These Dama are quite calm and used to a lot of traffic in and out.
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Start Price : 10,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Impala632 - 0.2 Yearling Impala
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Impalas raised from the Lodge Pasture of our Mountain Home ranch. These Impalas are quite calm and used to a lot of traffic.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 8,000.00
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0.2 Two-Three Year Old Addax633 - 0.2 Two-Three Year Old Addax
WildLife Partners
Two two to three year old female Addax raised on 250 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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0.2 Two Year Old Addax634 - 0.2 Two Year Old Addax
WildLife Partners
Two two year old female Addax raised on 250 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Nyala635 - 2.0 Yearling Nyala
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Nyala raised on our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 3,000.00
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Charity Lot Joshua Creek Ranch Hunt & Shotguns636 - Charity Lot Joshua Creek Ranch Hunt & Shotguns
WildLife Partners
Charity Lot Joshua Creek Ranch Hunt & Shotguns
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Start Price : 1,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Springbok637 - 2.0 Yearling Springbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Springbok raised on 500 acres on our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Springbok638 - 0.2 Yearling Springbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Springbok raised on 500 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 10,000.00
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1.2 Yearling Nile Lechwe639 - 1.2 Yearling Nile Lechwe
WildLife Partners
One male and two female Nile Lechwe pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 3 | Start Price : 6,500.00
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0.2 Yearling Impala640 - 0.2 Yearling Impala
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Impalas raised on 50 acres from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 8,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Grant's Gazelle641 - 0.2 Yearling Grant's Gazelle
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Grant's Gazelle pasture raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 10,000.00
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2.0 Yearling Blesbok642 - 2.0 Yearling Blesbok
WildLife Partners
Two yearling male Blesbok pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 1,500.00
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0.2 Yearling Arabian Oryx643 - 0.2 Yearling Arabian Oryx
WildLife Partners
Two yearling Arabian Oryx pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 2,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Dama Gazelle644 - 0.2 Yearling Dama Gazelle
WildLife Partners
Two female Dama Gazelle raised from the Lodge Pasture of our Mountain Home ranch. These Dama are quite calm and used to a lot of traffic in and out.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 10,000.00
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0.2 Mature Blesbok645 - 0.2 Mature Blesbok
WildLife Partners
Two mature proven producing female Blesbok raised on 100 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 5,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Grant's Gazelle646 - 0.2 Yearling Grant's Gazelle
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Grant's Gazelle pasture raised from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 10,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Impala647 - 0.2 Yearling Impala
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Impalas raised on 50 acres from our Pearsall ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 8,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Grant's Gazelle648 - 0.1 Yearling Grant's Gazelle
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Grant's Gazelle pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Start Price : 10,000.00
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0.2 Yearling Nile Lechwe649 - 0.2 Yearling Nile Lechwe
WildLife Partners
Two yearling female Nile Lechwe raised on 50 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Quantity : 2 | Start Price : 5,000.00
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