WildLife Partners Spring 2025 Super Exotic Wildlife Auction

Auction Details

This Two-day Event Schedule is as Follows:

Friday, April 4th
NEW Friday Charity Fundraiser & Stocker Special Auction

Featuring 50 Lots of exotic wildlife, fun charity lots, and more!


Doors Open: 5:00pm
Food & Drink: 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Auction: 7:00pm

Saturday, April 5th
Super Exotic Wildlife Auction
Doors Open: 4:00pm
Food & Drink: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Trinity Oaks Raffle: Conclusion of Auction
Auction Begins: 6:00pm
Conclusion of Auction: 9:00pm

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Katie Leibold at (602) 319-0370 or by email kleibold@wildlifepartners.com

WildLife Partners is an innovative wildlife conservation company.
Our model marries the desire to do good for the world with economic incentives.

It has been proven that wildlife conservation does not have to be centered around an altruistic approach funded by donations.
When it is accentuated by for profit motives, outsiders that would otherwise not participate, join the fight to save species from extinction.
The benefits are gratification from doing a great thing for our planet, active participation in wildlife breeding/ranching, cash flow distributions and up to 100% tax deductions.
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0.1 Mature Exposed Kudu700 - 0.1 Mature Exposed Kudu
WildLife Partners
One mature female Kudu cow exposed to a very nice up and coming young Kudu bull that last measured 48" at 4-5 years old.
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Start Price : 25,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Sable701 - 0.1 Yearling Sable
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Sable raised on 30 acres from our Pearsall ranch.
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Start Price : 20,000.00
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1.0 Mature Roan Bull702 - 1.0 Mature Roan Bull
WildLife Partners
One mature male Roan. This is a very nice bull currently running on the cows at lots 706 and 707. Raised on 250 acres from our Pettus ranch.
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Start Price : 5,000.00
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0.1 Grant's Gazelle Bottle Baby703 - 0.1 Grant's Gazelle Bottle Baby
WildLife Partners
This female Grant's Gazelle born 1/8/2025 is currently on two bottles per day. She is an absolute sweetheart and would be a great addition to yo...
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Start Price : 10,000.00
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0.1 Nyala Bottle-Raised704 - 0.1 Nyala Bottle-Raised
WildLife Partners
This female Nyala is bottle raised, weaned, and ready to go. Born July of 2024 she is well socialized but doesn't care to be touched. Located at...
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Start Price : 10,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Sable705 - 0.1 Yearling Sable
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Sable pasture raised from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Start Price : 20,000.00
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0.1 Mature Exposed Roan706 - 0.1 Mature Exposed Roan
WildLife Partners
One mature Roan cow raised on 250 acres from our Pettus ranch. She is exposed to the bull at lot #702.
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Start Price : 30,000.00
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0.1 Mature Exposed Roan707 - 0.1 Mature Exposed Roan
WildLife Partners
One mature Roan cow raised on 250 acres from our Pettus ranch. She is exposed to the bull at lot #702.
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Start Price : 30,000.00
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1.0 Mini Highpark Calf708 - 1.0 Mini Highpark Calf
WildLife Partners
Mini HighPark Bull Calf Four month old mini highpark bull calf. Small framed, polled and hairy! Bottle raised and nearing weaning age. Chondro nega
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Start Price : 5,000.00
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0.1 Mini Highpark Calf709 - 0.1 Mini Highpark Calf
WildLife Partners
Mini HighPark Heifer Calf Tiny! Born 2/15/2025 Sired by Biggie Smalls and out of Mariposa’s Flower. Currently on the bottle. Chondro negat
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Start Price : 5,000.00
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0.1 Mini Highpark Calf710 - 0.1 Mini Highpark Calf
WildLife Partners
Mini HighPark Heifer Calf Born 11/27/2024, 4 month old HighPark Heifer. Currently on the bottle, nearing weaning age. Sired by “Chip
Current Bid: 5,000.00
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0.1 Mature Female Tapir711 - 0.1 Mature Female Tapir
WildLife Partners
One mature female Tapir, calm and friendly. She is exposed to a male and is currently housed in Boerne, Tx.
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Start Price : 75,000.00
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1.0 Yearling Bongo712 - 1.0 Yearling Bongo
WildLife Partners
One yearling Bongo bull raised on 50 acres from our Pearsall ranch sired by the bull pictured.
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Start Price : 5,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Bongo713 - 0.1 Yearling Bongo
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Bongo raised on our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Start Price : 50,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Bongo714 - 0.1 Yearling Bongo
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Bongo raised on 75 acres from our Carrizo Springs ranch.
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Start Price : 50,000.00
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0.1 Yearling Bongo Sired by Rocco715 - 0.1 Yearling Bongo Sired by Rocco
WildLife Partners
One yearling female Bongo sired by Rocco our 36" Bongo bull. This female is coming from a very calm herd.
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Start Price : 55,000.00
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