Wyoming High School Rodeo Association

About Wyoming High School Rodeo Association

Description: The Wyoming High School Rodeo Association is privileged to offer for
auction a 2022 Commissioner’s License for Deer, Elk or Antelope. The license will be
auctioned through onelinehuntingauctions.com beginning February 1 and ending on
March 5, 2022 at 5 pm. A minimum opening bid of $20,000.00 (USD) will be needed.
Additional bids are to be in $500 (USD) increments. Highest bid at the end of the auction
License provided by the Wyoming Commissioner Gay Lynn Byrd. The recipients of these
licenses must designate the species and specific hunt area in which they want the license
issued. The recipients of these licenses must pay the full price for the license. The tag is
valid in any hunting area in the state with some restrictions depending on the species.
The WHSRA is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to promote sportsmanship,
character, citizenship and a spirit of competition among Wyoming High School Rodeo
Association participants and to promote the great sport of high school and junior high
rodeo on all levels of competition. The WHSRA is instrumental in exposing the public to a
positive image of Rodeo and preserving and promoting our Western heritage.
For additional information contact Ken Persson, 307-349-2881, ppersson@tcinc.net

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